New site at

As of 7/26/2009, this old blog is now CLOSED DOWN.

Here's the Link to the REAL Official Site of DragonD51 at
Go there out if you want to know/read up on new updates.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Nothing New.

But I have a few new updates.

One is that I had to delete a few videos and have to start one
over again due to alot of work and bad quality.

I been watching alot of old but good movies like Lethal Weapon
and shit.

Sorry if this isn't much of a update but oh well.


Saturday, December 20, 2008

New News and shit.

As you people may have notice, I put my "public" Gamertag on my channel,
I hope you people sent a message and play a few games before sending a
friend request. As for those who are my friends list, you already know
that I send a message when a blog post or video is up and running.
My three month subscription is almost at a end so please keep more
of a eye on my channel tab for more news and crap.

Speaking of news, I'm done with the first script of Clones and planning
to polish it to make it better. So far it's pretty good with some parts
dragging a bit. I want to get up to writing the ep. 5 script before I
start filming, acting, voicing and shit. Want to keep ahead of the game
so that I have the motive to do it. Sorry if I didn't do this kind of thing
a long time ago but better late and better than be a crappy product
or never here at all.

Stats on the "Dawn" video pack is going a bit slow but steady. The release
date is most likely the 5th or the 7th of January. So stick tune and help
and shit like that. Have a happy holidays people!


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

DragonD51 on the net for a year!!!!

It's been one year since a dude called DragonD51 sign up to to rate and
comment on other people's videos and now he's making machinima for people
who likes his works. Here's a "Special" for you fans and such but much, MUCH BETTER
videos are on their way.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Brand Spanking new News and Updates!!!

In a fight between Solid Snake, Dirty Harry, Master Chief,
a piece of Pie and me, DragonD51, would will win?
Never mind that.

Sorry if I didn't give you people a update last week. I was a bit busy with
my own shit and some shit left over with some pie. Anyway, I'm
gonna give you people a shit load of info that might peak your interest.

The first update is that I decided that the DragonD51 MisAdventures
and my first yet unmade series Clones will be the top two series
I'll be working on in 2009. With the D51 adventures focusing
on a action comedy with a hint of Aqua Teen Hunger Force feeling but
with me trying to sharpen my comedic skills. While Clones will try to
focus more on a Ted and Bill feeling with the federation marines
are more of the dramatic touch. I'll still try to make some other work
but again, the D51 Adventures and Clones are the top two on my list.

Speaking of Clones, I'm basically done with first script of Episode Zero.
I'll have to obliviously edited and polish it first but the Script for Ep #1
for Clone is yet to start in the writing process. I want to write a few scripts
before I start filming, voicing, acting, etc... you know the drill. But Clones
is in the works no doubt.

Now on to other updates.

(1)- Is that I tried several attempts to make something out of
the Xbox 360 version of Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, even to the point where
I had all the footage but end up scraping the deal. Not that I don't have
funny ideas for Oblivion but I can't execute them well enough on my 360.
oh well... just goes to show that you can't make anything from a 360
version when the PC version is about x100,000 times better to use.

(2)- I have though about other games to use for machinima- no.
For video creation but so far, little success. But I just though of a crazy idea.
But need time and a plan from my hentai-pizza-dragon-soda-peaceloving-
samurai champloo ridden brain to execute it very well.

(3)- While trying to think of stuff to write down, I'm now interested in
voice acting in other people's projects but only if I can voice me or other
roles that's cool. Oh yeah, I'm thinking about creating a new site or
some shit again but I'll end up scarping the idea cause I'm too lazy.

(4)- Any other projects like Operation F105 fate is yet to be decided.

(5)- I'm thinking about doing some reviews of other people's series
stating my opinions, some technical shit and some tips.

(6)- More reasons I turned down
One is that I use copyright music (you know that already) but since
there's been a "copyright crackdown" on lately. I
watch some of DigitalPh33r's latest work and can tell he's using
royalty free music. But since that I think that
now requires royalty free music of custom music, my shit would
go to shit. And I'm not using the Free soundtrack made by
Guitarmasterx7. Even though it's not illegal and cool, I'm not taking
any chances so.. sorry, sue me.

ANYWAY... enough of that.
Got to get to work, watch some more anime and some. one hell of a
update uh? Again, help in anyway by subing, spreading the word
and shit. Just as a reminder, address is

So while you're waiting for my future videos, watch this for the mean time.
See ya later... you.. FOOLS!!!


P.S. - please leave a comment on the blogger or my youtube channel
if you readied this update. Please leave your opinion and thoughts.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bye-bye Video Progress thing.


I decided that the video progress bulletin was too much of a
pain to keep up with so... yep.


Monday, December 1, 2008

December... holiday update... READ IT FOR PIZZA!!!!!

A new update containing XXX, Dragon Pizza and other updates... and that mad cow shit.

One is that I started writing the first script of Clones titled Chapter Zero.
I won't tell you people anything but one thing, is that Clones will be more
of a flashback type series of one of the main characters, Corporal Vince
remembers the (yet untold) events of what happens to him and his NCOIC,
Sergeant Daniel in Clones. In order to wrap things for Clones, I'll try to
make a second trailer of Clones... consider it a Christmas Present for yours

Other updates is that I hope some shit in my life will be straightened out soon
and I have officially leaved the 7th Columnist Colonies. Sorry guys! Not leaving
from anything bad but just... you know... I guess I just got to go. By the way,
since that has subscribe to me, I'll put the link to their website
on the Affiliate link box cause... why not? :|

Aside from anything else... a Special Video will be released for your
entertainment and to make sure to let people that I'm not dead... yet.


Saturday, November 29, 2008

29 Update - With a Special/5th PSA Video

It's the last two days of November so... here a special/PSA for you people.

One Update is that I decided to drop DragonD51 Studios and gone
back to simply DragonD51 Productions. Even to the extend where my former email, is now shut down for good. So the new email
address is I think it sounds a bit cooler.
I'm not gonna be know as DragonD51 Productions but just... you know. Right???

Second Update is that everything is going a bit slow here. Trying to make videos
is a bitch when you have no editing program to edited shit. Which I'm somehow
what close getting one.

Other updates are... in the video since I'm too lazy and have to other stuff right
now so I'll catch you people later.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Nov 22 Update.

Nothing much but did some filming and footage recording.
Played lot of online games including Call of Duty: World at War
& Ace Combat 6.

Trying to fight off depression again while running on low willpower
to film but the Dragon will prevail! Also trying to sharpen my comedian
skills in order to entertain you next year with new videos that you'll won't
turn away from boredom, in also which I hope that each future film will
get at least 150 views.

Anyway, more progress will be updated in next week's update.
Catch you later online or somewhere.

- DragonD51.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

16... new updates, READ THEM! Thank you.

I have been doing a lot of thinking... since that so many people are doing
Halo 3 Machinima (with 50% sucking at it), It's a bit hard to get a
little known on my part and I am thinking about using other games to
make machinima, PC, console. Hell, I been trowing the idea of making
a abridged series out of a game. But... anyway.

For those who're wondering, Yes I turned down and
despite the fact I can make more fans and make some cash on my
part, I just make machinima just because I want to for NON-profit
purposes only and I use copyright music... but in a respectful manner.
But who knows, I might change my mind in the future. But until then.
PS -I was gonna make a video stating why (even had all the footage!!!)
but typing is easier in the end.

Again, like I said, trying to make a good Halo 3 machinima is very hard
when most people end up watching shitty Halo 3 vids instead. So I'm
gonna do a bit of research looking for some good game to film and shit.
But I'll still be doing Halo 3 vids but if I have a good idea and if I get
more views on that _______ machinima instead, I'll focus my attention
on it more than Halo 3.

Okay, maybe most Halo 3 machinima doesn't suck but Halo 3 is
overused like none other. Anyway, still doing some filming here and there.
Trying to make some good ideas without dragging.
See ya later.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

New November Update: No new video for two months.

Due to a sudden "bomb drop" on my real life/machinima production/misc shit week routine, I have decided to take a big break from making machinima but will resume and will work on more shit load of videos.

But aside from PSA's and Special's, I'll return next year with more machinima that is actually funny and good to watch.

More news is in this video, just watch it and hope you'll understand. I need 125 subscribers by the end of the year!!!

Thank you for your time.

Friday, October 3, 2008

October means more new updates and vids.

Not that much to say but wants to partner up with me but
I'm having second thoughts as well as some thoughts I thought would never have... But it's not important.

What's important is that the multiple machinima and videos that I'm working
on right now will be released in mid to late October. So... yeah.
I got to go but I will be back and hope more people will help support me by subbing
or what not.

~ DragonD51.

"I have begun to lose interest and it may be total in time..."

Monday, September 1, 2008

September - New Updates from the studios! Please read!

September, the month where many kids has gone back to school and where people are busy preparing for winter. Even I still don't have a real job yet, my current "job" is to create machinima and do some other shit while I still have too much on my hands.

Anyway, sorry for that. Now I'll bring you on new current news fro the studios.

One - I'm thinking about making a "real" website using weebly or freewebs in order to
"bring order" to my bloggerspot site. I already have a weebly account and have yet to try out I'll make a voting booth whatever or not making a New D51 Studios on weebly or sticking with bloggerspot.

Two - A fourth Halo 3 Matchmaking short will hopefully be made and release on friday as well maybe a second PSA Update vid.

Three - I have made a few changes on the website. One is that I will not post any new post on the video page anymore. A few new blogger pages will hopefully be created such as a FAQS page, a possible recruitment page. Nothing has been put into plan and the pages might be created, proving that I don't create a weebly site and stop using blogger.

Four - Clones:a Halo 3 machinima series is still postpone until futher notice.

Five - I have created two Turok gameplay vids with poor voice acting for the hell of it because I was bored at the time. So... yeah....

That's it for the Major updates to bring you today. Stick tune for more Halo 3 machinima vids, short or other vids in the future. brought to you by DragonD51 Studios.

Thank you for your time, proving that you haven't turn away or stop reading.
- Lord Dragonheart at Bloggerspot.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

New updates

One: I had footage to make a third DragonD51 Halo 3 Matchmaking but I fought of a idea in which was shorter and thus, I deleted the footage and EVEN the recorded audio in order to start over.

Two: I made a few new buddies - them being ninjaadventures and PuzzleboxFilms.

Three: I'm planning to some collabs with PuzzleboxFilms in the future.

Four: A third DragonD51 Halo 3 Matchmaking short will be made and hope to be release on Monday if not Sunday.


Saturday, August 9, 2008

PSA Updates #1.

Check this machinima PSA out for updates from the studios --> :

-Lord Dragonheart.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

New site look and new halo machinima!

Since June, I waited for a capture card device so that I can make Halo 3 machinima! Since some time in late July, I got what I waited for. Up to this day, I made only six pieces of machinima so far... but more will be here... misc vids, better music vids, montages, a trailer and the first episode of Clones!

If anyone can spread the word about my new machinima, that'll be cool.
Soon, DragonD51 Studios will be releasing at least one machinima piece on a weekly basis...
but NO promises.

Check out the new look on the website as well.

PS: Even with a capture card, Now I'll have to wait for a good editing program like Sony Vegas
or something in order to make the action series; Terria Under Siege--- coming in fall 2008.

Friday, August 1, 2008

One more thing

One more thing, expect some things to change around the website when the videos are released.

August means new shit.

August... the month where summer ends and school begins for a shit load of kids and teens.
For me and the studios, a shit load of vids will be released.

As you may know, I started working on several halo videos that would be released in late July...
didn't happen BUT as of now, The Official released date is in early august, around the seventh. I know that few of you are dying in agony but hang in there for a while longer and I personally assure YOU that it will be well worth the wait.

As for anything else... nothing new really aside reviewing the videos for final reviewing and shit.

That's all!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Member of the 7th Columnist Colonies.

News from the Dragon:

I just joined the 7th Columnist Colonies as of July 26. I will upload some of my vids on the 7th Colonies website as well as a few Halo 3 pictures I have.

The DragonD51 Multi Projects operation release date has been moved to early August... so expect some good vids coming soon.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

New news from the Dragon.

The second episode of DragonD51 News Studio; the up-to-date series from DragonD51 is here and watchable. Click on the side to see the lastest news. ->

And to let everyone know, I'm about 21% done witht the projects so if you can all sit tight for a while, I hope you'll enjoy the new vids as I have making them... still.

Peace out!

Friday, June 27, 2008

The DragonD51 Multi Projects Operation in the works.

As of 1200 hours in mountain time of June 29th of 2008, I will start on working on several projects
that is dubbed "The DragonD51 Multi Projects Operation" that will take a long time to film and edited. The content of the projects is kept secret so you'll have to wait until it's out.

Don't know when the projects will be out but only work and time will tell.
So just to let you know but I think that the projects will be released in mid or late July.

So yep, that's it so... got to get back to "work" and hope you people will
like it or enjoy it a little when the DragonD51 Multi Project Operation comes out.
further info will be released when info is gathered.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Created a Video Page to make things easier.

I have created a Video Blogger page so that when you're looking for past or current videos, go to this link - so that any video that I have ever made will be there so that will leave room for this page and for you to find an vid you liked quicker and easier. I will still update this with current news and when I make a new video, I'll post the link to that video on the "Homepage" and the link on the video page with a new post.