New site at

As of 7/26/2009, this old blog is now CLOSED DOWN.

Here's the Link to the REAL Official Site of DragonD51 at
Go there out if you want to know/read up on new updates.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Member of the 7th Columnist Colonies.

News from the Dragon:

I just joined the 7th Columnist Colonies as of July 26. I will upload some of my vids on the 7th Colonies website as well as a few Halo 3 pictures I have.

The DragonD51 Multi Projects operation release date has been moved to early August... so expect some good vids coming soon.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

New news from the Dragon.

The second episode of DragonD51 News Studio; the up-to-date series from DragonD51 is here and watchable. Click on the side to see the lastest news. ->

And to let everyone know, I'm about 21% done witht the projects so if you can all sit tight for a while, I hope you'll enjoy the new vids as I have making them... still.

Peace out!