New site at

As of 7/26/2009, this old blog is now CLOSED DOWN.

Here's the Link to the REAL Official Site of DragonD51 at
Go there out if you want to know/read up on new updates.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

New updates

One: I had footage to make a third DragonD51 Halo 3 Matchmaking but I fought of a idea in which was shorter and thus, I deleted the footage and EVEN the recorded audio in order to start over.

Two: I made a few new buddies - them being ninjaadventures and PuzzleboxFilms.

Three: I'm planning to some collabs with PuzzleboxFilms in the future.

Four: A third DragonD51 Halo 3 Matchmaking short will be made and hope to be release on Monday if not Sunday.


Saturday, August 9, 2008

PSA Updates #1.

Check this machinima PSA out for updates from the studios --> :

-Lord Dragonheart.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

New site look and new halo machinima!

Since June, I waited for a capture card device so that I can make Halo 3 machinima! Since some time in late July, I got what I waited for. Up to this day, I made only six pieces of machinima so far... but more will be here... misc vids, better music vids, montages, a trailer and the first episode of Clones!

If anyone can spread the word about my new machinima, that'll be cool.
Soon, DragonD51 Studios will be releasing at least one machinima piece on a weekly basis...
but NO promises.

Check out the new look on the website as well.

PS: Even with a capture card, Now I'll have to wait for a good editing program like Sony Vegas
or something in order to make the action series; Terria Under Siege--- coming in fall 2008.

Friday, August 1, 2008

One more thing

One more thing, expect some things to change around the website when the videos are released.

August means new shit.

August... the month where summer ends and school begins for a shit load of kids and teens.
For me and the studios, a shit load of vids will be released.

As you may know, I started working on several halo videos that would be released in late July...
didn't happen BUT as of now, The Official released date is in early august, around the seventh. I know that few of you are dying in agony but hang in there for a while longer and I personally assure YOU that it will be well worth the wait.

As for anything else... nothing new really aside reviewing the videos for final reviewing and shit.

That's all!