New site at

As of 7/26/2009, this old blog is now CLOSED DOWN.

Here's the Link to the REAL Official Site of DragonD51 at
Go there out if you want to know/read up on new updates.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

29 Update - With a Special/5th PSA Video

It's the last two days of November so... here a special/PSA for you people.

One Update is that I decided to drop DragonD51 Studios and gone
back to simply DragonD51 Productions. Even to the extend where my former email, is now shut down for good. So the new email
address is I think it sounds a bit cooler.
I'm not gonna be know as DragonD51 Productions but just... you know. Right???

Second Update is that everything is going a bit slow here. Trying to make videos
is a bitch when you have no editing program to edited shit. Which I'm somehow
what close getting one.

Other updates are... in the video since I'm too lazy and have to other stuff right
now so I'll catch you people later.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Nov 22 Update.

Nothing much but did some filming and footage recording.
Played lot of online games including Call of Duty: World at War
& Ace Combat 6.

Trying to fight off depression again while running on low willpower
to film but the Dragon will prevail! Also trying to sharpen my comedian
skills in order to entertain you next year with new videos that you'll won't
turn away from boredom, in also which I hope that each future film will
get at least 150 views.

Anyway, more progress will be updated in next week's update.
Catch you later online or somewhere.

- DragonD51.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

16... new updates, READ THEM! Thank you.

I have been doing a lot of thinking... since that so many people are doing
Halo 3 Machinima (with 50% sucking at it), It's a bit hard to get a
little known on my part and I am thinking about using other games to
make machinima, PC, console. Hell, I been trowing the idea of making
a abridged series out of a game. But... anyway.

For those who're wondering, Yes I turned down and
despite the fact I can make more fans and make some cash on my
part, I just make machinima just because I want to for NON-profit
purposes only and I use copyright music... but in a respectful manner.
But who knows, I might change my mind in the future. But until then.
PS -I was gonna make a video stating why (even had all the footage!!!)
but typing is easier in the end.

Again, like I said, trying to make a good Halo 3 machinima is very hard
when most people end up watching shitty Halo 3 vids instead. So I'm
gonna do a bit of research looking for some good game to film and shit.
But I'll still be doing Halo 3 vids but if I have a good idea and if I get
more views on that _______ machinima instead, I'll focus my attention
on it more than Halo 3.

Okay, maybe most Halo 3 machinima doesn't suck but Halo 3 is
overused like none other. Anyway, still doing some filming here and there.
Trying to make some good ideas without dragging.
See ya later.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

New November Update: No new video for two months.

Due to a sudden "bomb drop" on my real life/machinima production/misc shit week routine, I have decided to take a big break from making machinima but will resume and will work on more shit load of videos.

But aside from PSA's and Special's, I'll return next year with more machinima that is actually funny and good to watch.

More news is in this video, just watch it and hope you'll understand. I need 125 subscribers by the end of the year!!!

Thank you for your time.