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As of 7/26/2009, this old blog is now CLOSED DOWN.

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

21st Saturday Update

Nothing new aside from reinstalling Halo PC and the
Custom Edition, downloading custom maps and waiting for
other shit.

I would like to thank everyone for sticking with me this far
with views, ratings and subers. I would like to see more views
than anything else... a little bit... and NO, i don't mean hitting the F5
button for more than five to 25 hours, driving me to the brink of insanity.

Anyway, while the views could pick up a little bit. Trying to produce some
machinima with shitty WMM. Most likely end downloading the Sony
Vegas Trials one last time before I really go on a "strike".

Clones is once again put on halt due to lack of motivation.
Got rid of the playlist and the recruitment page. I'm thinking about
removing the video page since i hardly keep up with it.


Anime in Halo 3 Multiplayer... that is all.
Thank you for reading.

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