New site at

As of 7/26/2009, this old blog is now CLOSED DOWN.

Here's the Link to the REAL Official Site of DragonD51 at
Go there out if you want to know/read up on new updates.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Poesdion Incoming... wait WTF new update post.

To anyone who is reading this.

I would like to apologize on DragonD51's behalf and lack of videos
and updatez here on the old blogger.

It's just that there's hardly anything to say due to lack of intelligence
from the Dragon but of what I did gather is the following.

1. 360 is not yet sent to Microsoft to be repaired but money is
still lacking but it is coming soon.

2. New website at is still in the beta phase as well as
the slight possibly of creating one a

3. No new vids are made yet due to... not making one I guess.

4. With some of that extra money that Dragon hopes to get, he's
gonna upgrade some of our equipment such as new microphone,
a few things here and there and a graphics card that we don't even
have so that Halo CE and such would run smoother without lagging.

5. The scripts for the D51 MisAdventures Ep four is done, just to proof
read it without fucking it up. Looks sweet! Gonna write to future projects
from now on as well.
(since Dragon mostly made his videos by thinking on the spot)

Well... that's all folks! D51's still on vacation and I'm still in command,
playing Doom 2 and such. Don't go away and don't unsub if you want
to see future awesomeness yet to come to a PC near you!

PS: Watch a good movie like Tango and Cash!

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