New site at

As of 7/26/2009, this old blog is now CLOSED DOWN.

Here's the Link to the REAL Official Site of DragonD51 at
Go there out if you want to know/read up on new updates.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Damn I'm Good!

/ \ This is Bob.

I want to beat the living shit out of who ever made this piece of garbage and send him to a place worse then hell in a fucking wastebasket full of demons raping bob so hard that that not only he wished that he never heard of YT EVER. That DragonD51 and I are gonna tear apart bob apart piece by piece BY PIECE until Duke Nukem Forever comes out... and if Duke Nukem Forever
never comes out, that mean that this faggot bob will be torture for all TIME!
HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! (evil laugh)

Oh and Dragon is having trouble with the dumb asses at xbox live support and is wondering if He should get a $200 brand new console.

One things for sure, if Dragon does get a new one and if it breaks on him within this year, he's switching to a PS3!


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